Time & Location
Nov 29, 2023, 9:00 AM – 5:15 PM
København, Blegdamsvej 3B, 2200 København, Danmark
About the event
By the end of your course / training session, you should feel more confident in your knowledge of head, neck and extremity muscle anatomy. You should also have a better understanding of where you can expect to locate different muscles when using a guidance technique such as Ultrasound. You should have better understanding of the physiology of the muscles and understand how the muscles work on different joints, depending of the position of the joint. This to make better analysis of a patient and to choose the right muscle for injection treatment.
Participants: Doctors working with rehabilitation and treatment of muscle overactivity who have some (basic) competencies in the use of ultrasound guiding in the treatment of spasticity and/ or dystonia. The participants may be neurologist, neuropediatricians, orthopedic surgeons, rehabilitation doctors, neurophysiologists.
Number of participants:
20 participants per day
Participation fee:
1000 DKR per day (You may choose to participate in 1, 2 or all 3 days course)
Attendance to the course. Coffee breaks. Lunch
Payment by banktransfer must be completed before the registration is considered complete
Bank: Danske Bank.
Registrationnumber: 9570 Accountnumber: 12594925
IBAN: DK7730000012594925
Registration on www.SKANDYSPAS.com deadline 13.11.23
Københavns Universitet Panum
Department of Cellular and
Molecular Medicine
Institutbiblioteket (Room 22.1.29)
Blegdamsvej 3B
2200 Copenhagen
White Coat and scalpel and tweezers for dissection (if available)
Leg 29/11
09.00-09.15: Welcome and introduction
09.15-10.15: Anatomy and physiology of leg muscles including complex
movements Break
10.45-12.30: Ultrasound training and injection of “ink” in muscles / perineural (guided and not guided by UL)
12.30-13.15: Lunch
13.15-14.15: Dissection of Hip and femur
14.15-14.30: Break
14.30-15.30: Dissection of Crus
15.30-16.00: Break
16.00-17.00: Dissection of Pes
17.00-17.15: Summary and Evaluation