Articles of Association
For the association Danish Education Society for Dystonia and Spasticity Treatment
§ 1. The name of the company
§ 2. Place of residence:
The domicile of the association is determined by the address of the sitting secretary and appears on the company's website
§ 3. Purpose:
The purpose of the company is the following:
Strengthen formalized education in dystonia and spasticity treatment.
Strengthen investigation, treatment and research in the field of dystonia and spasticity. This should be promoted through nationwide education and networking through education forums. Promote interdisciplinary collaboration between all professional groups dealing with dystonia and spasticity treatment.
Strengthen professional development both within the individual professional groups and interdisciplinary.
Exchange experiences and knowledge between the individual professional groups as well as interdisciplinary.
Be a consultation / collaboration partner for relevant authorities.
Strengthen the general knowledge of dystonia and spasticity treatment
Create networks to promote multicenter research projects.
§ 4. Membership
There are the following types of membership:
Ordinary membership
Persons who, through their education, daily work or research, have an interest in the company's work and purpose, may be admitted as ordinary members. The Board of Directors approves the admission on the basis of the information in the company's "Registration form".
Support member
Organizations, associations, foundations, companies, other groups and individuals with an interest in the company's purpose and work may, upon written application to and approval by the board, be admitted as support members.
These members may attend the general meeting but do not have the right to vote and may not be elected to the board of directors and pay a special membership fee. These members can also, through sponsorship, further support the company with regard to to promote the purpose of the association. If the Board of Directors cannot recommend admission, the request, if it is maintained, must be discussed at the next general meeting, and notice of this must be given at the notice. If at least 2/3 of the members present at the general meeting vote in favor of admission, the applicant is a member. The same procedure is used if there
timely objection emerges from member side.
The company's board of directors updates an ongoing register of the two categories of members.
Withdrawal can only be done by writing to the secretary, who forwards the resignation to the rest of the board.
Members undertake to pay a membership fee for the calendar year in which the withdrawal takes place. If a member has not paid the membership fee for one year, the membership is considered terminated.
Renewed membership presupposes that the amount due is paid.
Exclusion of a member may be decided by the general meeting or the board of directors if the member has acted in clear conflict with the company's purpose or articles of association.
§5. General Assembly.
The general meeting is the company's supreme authority.
The annual general meeting is held once a year.
The notice convening the annual general meeting is sent by e-mail and will be attached to the agenda and the company's audited accounts.
Extraordinary general meetings may be convened by the Board of Directors on its own initiative or if at least 2/3 of the ordinary members request it in writing. Every general meeting must be notified by e-mail with at least three weeks' notice and the notice must be accompanied by any proposals for changes in the law.
Received proposals are otherwise sent to the chairman within two weeks before the announced general meeting.
The general meeting has a quorum when it has been notified in accordance with the articles of association. The decision is taken by a simple majority of those present. The agenda of the general meeting must contain the following items:
Electoral conductor
Election referent
Approval of minutes from the previous general meeting
Chairman's report
Reporting Committee
The treasurer presents the accounts and the board's budget for information as well
proposals for quotas for the coming financial year for approval.
Electoral Association Board
3-4 therapists (both physiotherapists and occupational therapists), 6-7 doctors (preferably a mixture of neurologists, neurophysiologists, neuropediatricians and rehabilitation doctors), 1-2 nurses or
After the general meeting, the board of directors is constituted with a chairman, deputy chairman, treasurer and secretary, while other members are ordinary members.
Election auditor
Incoming proposals
§6. Board of Directors
The board consists of 10-13 members who work with dystonia and spasticity treatment on a daily basis and are interested in the development of the subject areas through education. They are elected by the general meeting from among the company's ordinary members.
The Board of Directors constitutes itself with the election of a chairman, deputy chairman, secretary and treasurer. The chairman / secretary and deputy chairman / treasurer are elected one year in advance to ensure the continuity of the board's work.
The election period is two years.
Board members may be re-elected.
The Board of Directors has a quorum when more than half of the members of the Board of Directors are present.
Decisions of the Board of Directors are made by a simple majority of votes. In the event of a tie, the chairman's vote shall be decisive.
The board meets at least twice a year.
Board meetings are convened by the chairman on his own initiative or when requested by a board member.
§ 7. Finances
The contingent for ordinary members as well as support members is determined for one year at a time at the annual general meeting.
The quota is due for payment in advance on the first day of the company's financial year. The company's financial year runs from 1 January to 31 December of the same calendar year, unless the Board of Directors decides otherwise.
The company's assets, testamentary and other gifts, legacies, sponsorships, etc., are administered by the board of directors in accordance with the company's purpose and the Ministry of Justice's executive orders on the placement of funds.
The Board of Directors may choose to employ an accountant who can assist the treasurer in keeping accounts of the company's assets.
§ 7A. Subscription right
The authorized signatories to the Board of Directors are: Chairman and Treasurer.
The cashier can independently withdraw amounts of up to DKK 30,000
§ 8. Revision
The company's accounts are audited by an auditor.
The auditor who cannot be a member of the board of directors is elected by the general meeting. The election period is two years. The auditor can be re-elected.
§ 9. Amendment of articles of association
A decision to amend the company's articles of association can only be made by the general meeting with the approval of 2/3 of the ordinary members present or represented at the general meeting.
Ordinary members may, with regard to amendments to the law, be represented at the general meeting by another ordinary member by giving this written power of attorney. The power of attorney must unambiguously specify who issued it, who received the power of attorney for which issue at which general meeting and be duly dated and signed, and accompanied by the issuing member's receipt for the paid membership fee.
that calendar year.
§ 10. Dissolution of the company
A decision on the company's dissolution can only be made by the general meeting with the support of 2/3 of the ordinary members present or represented at the general meeting.
Ordinary members may, as far as questions about the dissolution of the association are concerned
represent themselves at the general meeting of another ordinary member by giving this written power of attorney. The power of attorney must unambiguously specify who issued it, who received the power of attorney for which issue at which general meeting and be duly dated and signed, and accompanied by the issuing member's receipt for paid membership fee in the calendar year in question.
In the event of the company's dissolution, its funds are used for a purpose adopted by the general meeting at the recommendation of the board of directors in accordance with the company's purpose clause.
Adopted at the founding general meeting, Copenhagen, 20 March 2018.
Revised, Copenhagen, 2 September 2019